FIGHT News and Announcements

American Heart Month

February 8, 2019

February is recognized as American Heart Month. Heart disease—and the conditions that lead to it—can happen at any age. High rates of obesity and high blood pressure among younger people (ages 35-64) are putting them at risk for heart disease earlier in life. Half of all Americans have at least one of the top three…

National Children’s Dental Health Month

February 1, 2019

The American Dental Association recognizes February as National Children’s Dental Health Month. This national health observance brings together dedicated dental and health care providers to promote the benefits of good oral health to children, their caregivers and teachers. Developing good habits at an early age and scheduling regular dental visits helps children get a good…

Blood Type & Health

January 25, 2019

Many people do not know their blood type, but knowing so can provide tips about your risk for certain medical conditions. Knowing your blood type can help you take the steps to reduce risks of common illnesses and gives you an extra health boost.  Risk of heart disease, blood clotting conditions, and memory problems vary…

Get to Know Your Words: q.1.d., q1d

January 23, 2019

q.1.d., q1d Latin – quaque die Every day Many don’t realize that there are Latin abbreviations on their prescription bottles! Knowing the abbreviations can empower you to take your medication safely. There are about 1.5 million preventable medication errors each year, according to a 2006 report from the Institute of Medicine. Roughly one-third of those…

Asthma in the Winter

January 19, 2019

Cold weather can trigger asthma because cold the air causes airway muscles to become narrow. We also know that colds and the flu are common during colder months, which can make asthma symptoms worse. For kids, this can make breathing more difficult and make asthma attacks more likely, as children have sensitive lungs. Take extra…

Exercise is Wise

January 11, 2019

Some of us have New Year’s Resolutions to exercise more, but some doctors say that can lead to overtraining syndrome.  Overtraining syndrome is essentially burnout, exercising too much with minimal rest, which may make you give up on your resolution. Pace yourself; start off slow and be realistic with yourself. Exercise is more than losing…

Cervical Health Awareness Month 2019

January 4, 2019

Each year, nearly 13,000 women in the United States are diagnosed with cervical cancer. January has been designated as Cervical Health Awareness Month, and health care providers are encouraging women across the country to get screened. Cervical cancer is highly preventable with vaccination and appropriate screening (regular pap smears and HPV tests). It is important…

New Year’s Resolutions

December 28, 2018

HESome of the most popular New Year’s resolutions are drink more water, join a gym, and eat better. However, it’s important for us to be specific about these goals, as most of us do not manage them well. What does eating better look like to you? How much water do you want to drink a…

Hepatitis C: C a Difference

December 14, 2018

Hepatitis C  is an infection of the liver and is the most common blood-borne viral infection in the United States. It can lead to serious liver problems if left untreated. The CDC recommends you get tested if you have shared or used non-sterile needles with an infected person, have unprotected sex with an infected person,…

The Facts on Fat

December 7, 2018

All natural foods contain some fat. Fat is a source of energy, provides proper functioning of nerves and the brain, and helps to regulate many bodily processes. It’s easy to get confused about good fats vs. bad fats and how much fat we should eat. Food labels with trans-fat and saturated fat have been identified…

World AIDS Day

November 30, 2018

Annually, December 1st is recognized as World AIDS Day. It is a day to globally unite against the fight of HIV/AIDS, show support for those living with it, and celebrate those who lost their lives to it. Through the years, researchers and medical professionals have made scientific advances in the treatment of HIV, laws have…

Feast Mode

November 26, 2018

Thanksgiving comes around only once a year, so why not loosen up and pig out? Many of us pack on a few pounds during the holiday season, and some keep the weight permanently. However, there are ways we can enjoy a guilt-free Thanksgiving feast and satisfy our taste buds. Make some recipes healthier with less…

Lung Cancer Awareness Month

November 23, 2018

Lung cancer account for about 27% of all cancer deaths and is the leading cause of cancer death among men and women. Each year, more people die of lung cancer than of colon, breast, and prostate cancers combined. Everyone, including non-smokers, runs the risk of contracting lung cancer, yet the risk is significantly higher for…

National Healthy Skin Month

November 9, 2018

Skin is your body’s largest organ, so it’s important to take good care of it. November is National Healthy Skin Month, but maintaining healthy skin is vital year-round. As the cold weather nears, it is a great time to start thinking about the health of your skin and ways to protect and maintain it. Changes…

Say It With a Smile!

November 2, 2018

As Halloween has passed and the holiday season approaches, we want to remind you to keep up with your oral health. Oral health is important yet often overlooked, as many people fail to see a dentist each year. You can practice good oral hygiene by brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing daily. Also,…

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