Taking breaks is an important part of being healthy! Briefly disengaging from your work, whether it is physically strenuous, mentally intense or simply continuous, is a way to keep your brain and body active and able to perform what you need it to. From 20 seconds to 5 minutes, breaks can help reboot your brain and prevent pain. Take time to rest your eyes and stretch!

Drawing of an upper body with the arms extended and stretching the wrists.
The first diagram has the hand bent with the palm facing out and the fingers upwards, creating a 90 degree angle at the wrist. The other hand is gently pulling back on the hand to stretch the wrist.
The second diagram has the hand bent with the fingers downwards and the palm facing the torso, with the other hand gently pushing on the back of the hand to stretch the wrist.
The third diagram has the palm facing outwards again, but with the fingers pointed down towards the floor, and the other hand gently pulling to stretch the wrist.
A separate diagram has the hand closed in a fist, palm facing the torso and bent down at the wrist, with the other hand pulling it towards the body to stretch the wrist.
Another diagram is both hands, palms facing each other and touching with the fingers pointed upwards says: push your palms together and slowly lower your hands
A different diagram has a hand with the fingers slightly spread and facing downwards with the palm out says: with your wrist facing up, press your palm against a wall. A second hand drawing has an arrow pointing up from the thumb and says: for a deeper stretch, use your other hand to gently lift your thumb.
The final diagram shows hands, loosely bent at the wrists moving up and down and says: shake it out!