FIGHT News and Announcements

The death of Larry Kramer

May 29, 2020

Philadelphia FIGHT mourns the death of Larry Kramer, the most important AIDS activist in the history of the epidemic. Founder of both the Gay Men’s Health Crisis and later ACT UP, the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power, Larry was instrumental in the creation not one but both of the gay community’s responses to the AIDS epidemic.

Contact Tracing

April 22, 2020

The process of closely monitoring those who are exposed to an infected person. It includes identifying contacts of the infected person, listing and informing those contacts of the infected person, and following up to check up on contacts’ infection and symptoms.

Mental Health and Quarantine

April 3, 2020

Adjusting to the quarantine efforts and stay-at-home order has been difficult. There has been a lot of change in a very short amount of time. Taking care of physical health is important in the face of COVID-19, and now taking care of mental health must be a focus in the face of social isolation due…

Advocacy Opportunities around COVID-19

March 27, 2020

Advocacy and health are closely related, and that is especially true during this period of active legislation about COVID-19. Here are some opportunities around Philadelphia and PA to contact your representatives, connect with other workers, and advocate for those in the food and health industries Attend a Town Hall to support Philadelphia Workers: #SHUTDOWNBERKS: @shutdownberkscoalition Food…

Mayor Kenney Issues a New Business Activity and Stay at Home Order

March 23, 2020

Mayor Kenney has issued a new business activity and stay at home order requiring us to stay home except for absolutely necessary activity.  Here is the link to the order: New Business Activity and Stay at Home Order: What you need to know. Social Distancing The graphic illustration below shows the importance of social distancing….

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