
Rep. Brian Sims To Host Town Hall Meeting on PrEP

Interested in learning about PrEP, a pill that is almost 100% effective in preventing HIV if taken daily? Join us for an interactive discussion on PrEP at the William Way LGBT Community Center on Thursday, October 29th from 6 – 8 p.m.

Thank You to Our 2015 AIDS Walk Team!

Thank you, Team Philadelphia FIGHT for helping us kick off our 25th Anniversary Celebration at this year’s AIDS Walk Philly. Together, we raised over $13,000 and registered over 100 people for the walk/run.

Our 2015 AIDS Walk Team!

We’re kicking off our 25th Anniversary Celebration at AIDS Walk Philly 2015! The 2015 AIDS Walk Philly will take place on Sunday, October 18 at 7:30 a.m. in front of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Join our team!

FIGHT's PrEP Program in the Philadelphia Daily News

Philadelphia FIGHT’s PrEP program was recently featured in the Philadelphia Daily News. Dr. Helen Koenig, the medical director of our PrEP program and Caitlin Conyngham, Y-HEP Health Center’s Practice Coordinator, were included.

Teyana Taylor Will Headline Hip Hop for Philly 2015

Philadelphia FIGHT, in partnership with Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and over 15 community-based organizations, will present the third annual “Hip Hop for Philly” FREE concert featuring Teyana Taylor on Saturday, June 27th.

End AIDS 2015 Conference: Three Summits in One!

Piper Kerman, author of “Orange is the New Black,” Everett A. Gillison, Chief of Staff to Mayor Nutter and Deputy Mayor for Public Safety; and Julie (JD) Davids, Managing Editor of, will speak at the End AIDS 2015 Conference!

FIGHT on the Cover of POZ Magazine

FIGHTers LaDonna Boyens and Benjamin Green are featured in POZ Magazine’s cover story “Straight Talk.” The article discusses HIV peer education programs in and out of prisons. Staffer Ben is also the cover star this month!

Philadelphia FIGHT Becomes a BenePhilly Center

Philadelphia FIGHT has been selected to become a BenePhilly Center. Effective immediately, any Philadephia resident can come to our AIDS Library and meet with a BenePhilly counselor to apply for public benefits.

FIGHT Mourns the Loss of AIDS Researchers on Malaysia Airlines Flight 17

Philadelphia FIGHT joins the International AIDS Community and the world in mourning the deaths of AIDS researchers and activists on Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 shot down over Ukraine on July 17, 2014.  We quote here the words of Ellen LaPointe, our colleague in the old AmFAR clinical research network which was the network that led…

Holiday Toy Drive!

FIGHT’s Institute for Community Justice partners with Eastern State Penitentiary to provide toys for children of our incarcerated participants. Donate a toy December 10 – 15 in exchange for “Buy One, Get One Free” admission to ESP. One in 28 American kids has a parent behind bars. This holiday season, an estimated 30,000 children in…

2013 World AIDS Day Prayer Breakfast

The Faith Advisory Board of Philadelphia FIGHT invite you, your family, and members of your faith community to join us for our annual World AIDS Day Prayer Breakfast, Saturday morning November 30, 2013 at the Radisson Blu-Warwick Hotel, 220 S. 17th Street  8-10 a.m. Over 30,000 people live with HIV in Philadelphia. What does this mean…

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