Frequently Asked Questions
No, TeleVisits are not recorded.
Health plans, including Medicare and Medicaid, are covering a wide variety of healthcare services available through telemedicine.
If you are interested in a telemedicine visit with your provider, give our offices a call and we will work to get you set up based on the technology you have access to.
FIGHT uses doxy.me which adheres to HIPAA, PIPEDA, and GDPR data privacy requirements. All data is encrypted, your sessions are anonymous, and none of your information is stored.
Healow by eClinicalWorks is fully HIPAA-compliant.
Telemedicine is a safe, secure, and effective way to extend the delivery of healthcare.
FIGHT providers adhere to the same high standards of care through a telemedicine visit as an in-person visit. Similarly, the same standards for privacy and confidentiality for an in-person visit apply to telemedicine visits.
All modern web browsers will work, including Chrome, Safari, and Edge.
Telemedicine involves the use of electronic communications and software to provide clinical services to patients without an in-person visit.
If you have access to a laptop or other computer, or if you have a phone (either smartphone or non-smartphones), we can do a telemedicine visit with you. All you have to do is call your regular FIGHT clinic to set up an appointment.
- Live access to FIGHT providers 2.Lower medical costs
- No transportation time or costs
- Reduced risk of catching a new illness
- Convenient