Treatment Education Activists Combating HIV
Project TEACH Outside is a 5 week-long educational and activist training course designed for individuals living with HIV who have been recently released from prison or jail. Topics include living healthy with HIV, basic HIV treatment information, strategies for rebuilding our lives after imprisonment, stress management, and wellness, accessing supportive services and AIDS and prison activism.
Enhancing Linkages Project
FIGHT offers prison linkage services to individuals living with HIV who are imprisoned within the Philadelphia Prison System. Linkage specialists are available for advocacy, support, education, and linkages to medical care and supportive services upon release. FIGHT’s Jonathan Lax Treatment Center offers expedited medical appointments for individuals returning home from jail. Case management, mental health and drug and alcohol treatment is also available.
Contact Hannah Zellman at 215-525-0460 ext. 402 or for more information.
What They’re Saying about TEACH Outside
“I don’t know if I would say that you saved my life. But you did save my future.”
-TEACH Outside Graduate
“While I was doing time in Philly, I learned I was positive in a room with no curtains. I was crying and everybody was walking by. I felt like killing myself.”
-TEACH Outside Graduate
“When you’re caught in the system, you end up going right back into it. And that’s what I’m trying to help prevent. I know it’s a hard task, but by participating in TEACH Outside and the Philadelphia County Coalition for Prison Health Care, at least I know I’m trying.”
-TEACH Outside Graduate