Steven Johnson

Pronouns: He/Him/Él
Lead TEACH Outside Coordinator

Program Categories for Steven Johnson

About Steven Johnson

Mr. Johnson is currently employed by Philadelphia FIGHT as the lead Coordinator for its signature program called TEACH Outside for the past 7 years, TEACH Outside program is geared to support people living with HIV offering educational tools on life saving HIV treatment and prevention.

Steven is also the lead coordinator for Philadelphia FIGHT’s Peer Education Navigator program. Steven trains the peer educators on Community Presentations to the Philadelphia communities all year long.  The Trained peer educators are Project TEACH graduates, that will lead all presentations at local agencies. 

As a person living with HIV and a formerly incarcerated individual, Mr. Johnson firsthand knows what it takes to turn your life around. He is the founder of The Positive Man support group for HIV heterosexual men.

Steven is a former member of the BEAT-HIV Martin Delaney Collaboratory CAB, and he is on the   National HIV Aging Advocacy Network for. National Minority AIDS Council, Steven is a certified HIV tester and counselor for the Division of HIV Health.