Adjusting to the quarantine efforts and stay-at-home order has been difficult. There has been a lot of change in a very short amount of time. Taking care of physical health is important in the face of COVID-19, and now taking care of mental health must be a focus in the face of social isolation due to quarantine efforts.
The American Psychological Association and SAMHSA have some guides about how to look after your mental health, and some of their suggestions are presented here.
Routine: With no firm idea of when things will change, a “new normal” means creating a new routine can help create a sense of normalcy and purpose.
Virtual Contact: utilize phones and web conferencing to make medical and social calls to maintain mental and physical health.
Keep Informed: updates about health recommendations and government mandates is important, but limit news intake each day to prevent extra anxiety.
Variety: Find different areas of your house to work or play in, and set time aside for a new activity to stimulate your brains need for variety.