Free Our Mama’s Posters, Spring 2020
Prints on 11×17 paper handmade from shredded criminal records sourced from legal clinics and public workshops where formerly incarcerated Fellows at the People’s Paper Co-op (PPC) tore, pulped, and transformed the records into new sheets of handmade paper. Each print was collaboratively designed by artists across North America and women in the PPC, and have been used to raise over $100,000 to bail out Black mothers and caregivers while fighting to end cash bail.
The People’s Paper Co-op is a women led, women focused, women powered art and advocacy project at the Village of Arts and Humanities in North Philadelphia. The PPC looks to women in reentry as the leading criminal justice experts our society needs to hear from and uses art to amplify their stories, dreams, and visions for a more just and free world.